
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Quick Update!

I just wanted to post a quick up date of my journey. Its been a while since I posted anything on either blog. I am now in my 23 rd treatment so I will be finished with this the second week of February. Praising God! The treatments have made me really tired. I have no energy. It is so hard for me to go to work, but I have managed to go and do my job. I have not burned much so far. I had one small spot under my arm. I use Alray lotion every morning and night and this helps prevent the drying of the skin. The doctor gave me some Aquafor for the spot under my arm and that is a fast healing cream. My hubby has been a real trooper. He drives me every evening for my treatments. That means we are eating dinner around 8:00 pm every night. Needless to say we have had some fast food meals more than once. I can not see to drive at night because of the cataracts. My surgery was postponed so I will not have that until February 6. I am scared of this surgery. Your eyes are so important. That is about all the update now. God Bless all my supporters, you mean so much to me!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Continuing my Journey

Hello! I wanted to continue to share my journey with The Pink Ribbon. I have started my radiation treatments. They are going well, or so they say. Every evening when I get off work , my hubbie and I get into the SUV and drive to the Cancer Center. There I am told to undress from the top only. They walk me down this long hall to the treatment room. There my "cushion" which is personalized just for me is place on the table. I climb up and take my gown off at the top. I then pull my arms above my head and place them into cuffs that are specially molded just for me. Once they have the alignment right , the treatment can proceed. It takes about ten minutes. I get dressed and I drive home. It all sounds so simple, and it really is. The only thing that has complicated matters is that I have the flu. I was getting diarrhea and nausea. I thought it was caused by the radiation treatments. The doctor says no, that I have a flu that is going around. This has been going on for about two weeks now, feeling weak. I am so tired today that I slept most of this day. Yesterday, I went out to do some grocery shopping, and I went to Kirklands. When I got home and walked in the door, my husband stated I was white as a ghost. I was determined to get the things I needed to do done. I did some laundry and did some minor pick yp and cleaning. I finally had to fess up to the fact I could do no more. I don't think I have shared that I have some eye surgery coming soon as well. I have cataracts on both eyes. My right eye is really bad, and my left eye I can still see fairly well. I can not see to drive at night, so that is why hubbie drives me to treatments. In the midst of all this stuff, I am having a lot of dental work done. I have been so stressed that I started grinding my teeth. I ended up breaking a tooth in half. I wish I did not have to work but until I can retire there is not much else I can do. Just having to leave my home every day for an hour is stressful, go figure. I am so sorry I am whining, but I feel that I need to share my total experience so that others who are going through this journey can know what to expect somewhat. Everyone's journey is different, I know reading about other peoples experience with breast cancer and other cancers has helped me to keep things in perspective of how lucky I really am. I continue to praise God and glorify him for his watching over me on a daily basis. God Bless you for you support.